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Category: Misc


Aguada Fort Goa 

Fort Aguada is a well-preserved seventeenth-century Portuguese fort, along with a lighthouse, standing in Goa, India, on Sinquerim Beach, overlooking the Arabian Sea It is around 400 years of age and was built by Portuguese in Goa to shield themselves from the Dutch and the…

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Business Dress Code Tutorial 

What is Business Dress Code Tutorials ? Business Dress Code tutorials briefs about that dress codes has a special significance in society. It is a set of rules and expectations which are laid out to suit different occasions and situations. By looking at the person’s…


Agra Fort 

Agra Fort is a historical fort in the city of Agra in India. It was the main residence of the emperors of the Mughal Dynasty until 1638, when the capital was shifted from Agra to Delhi. Before capture by the British, the last Indian rulers…

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Tutorial – Anger Management 

What about anger management tutorial? Humans have the power to express their feelings depending upon their mood swings where as animals cannot. Their feelings expel out in the form of Anger, fear, cry, emotions etc depending upon their circumstances in which he/she may live. In…

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Tutorial – Mobile Marketing 

What is Mobile Marketing Tutorial? Mobile marketing is a well-described and usual approach to sell your products and services through mobile devices. This brief tutorial describes the numerous techniques and steps of mobile marketing such as improvement of mobile websites, sms campaign, mobile apps, etc….

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Tutorial – Email Marketing 

What is Email Marketing? This tutorial will give you detailed description about “Email Marketing”. These days email marketing is playing a major role in digital marketing strategy and it also tells how experts use email marketing as a core approach in their digital strategies. Your…

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Tutorial – Digital Marketing 

What is digital marketing? Digital marketing can be apply on products and services with various digital technologies like the internet, including mobile phones and other digital platforms medium come under digital marketing. This tutorial describes about how to use several social media platforms such as…



India – The land of Buddha Buddham Saranam Gacchami Dhammam Saranam Gacchami Sangham Saranam Gacchami India – The land of Buddha where Buddhism is all about enlightening your soul; it takes us from the darkness to light, towards wisdom. It is a journey of spiritual…