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A mythological ‘Jagannath Rath Yatra’

A mythological ‘Jagannath Rath Yatra’ 

Jagannath Rath Yatra brings to you by Your India Travel, our famous festival in India. There are numerous experiences that can only be experienced when you are part of the holy Jagannath Rath Yatra and we believe in bringing in such experiences to you. The festival is a holy affair that brings you close to spirituality making you part of one of the grandest festivals in India.

Huge chariots carrying the idol of Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra and thousands of devotees gathered to witness the grandest celebration on earth. Rath Yatra of Rath Jatra has many mythological stories to narrate and Jagannath Temple being one of the ‘Char Dhams’ in the country has been attracting thousands of devotees from across the country.

It is one of the most auspicious occasions and during Rath Jatra, everything in Puri becomes so lively, vibrant, and colourful. The beliefs of devotees can be sensed by their presence during Rath Yatra. The month of June and July marks the celebration of Jagannath Rath Yatra and this is when the presiding deities of the main temple, Sri Mandira, Lord Jagannatha, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra, the main deities of the temple are bought put from the main temple and are placed on their respective chariots for the ritual procession.

Contact us at to plan being part of Rath Yatra is a lifetime experience, the eternal spirituality in the atmosphere takes on a ritual journey. During Rath Yatra, the chariots are colourfully decorated, the intricacies are appreciable and everything is on a scale befitting the great Lord. The Jatra is considered as an important part of the festivities and ceremonies of each temple and is considered as a special and sacred occasion. Rath Jatra being unique among all Jatras is the grandest festival of the supreme divinity who has manifested himself in the Kali Yuga to emancipate humanity and to relieve them from their sufferings.

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To access more pictures of Jagannath Rath Yatra on google, please click here

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