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Ministry of Tourism portal to extend support to the foreign tourists stranded in India

Ministry of Tourism portal to extend support to the foreign tourists stranded in India 

Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, with an aim to extend support to the foreign tourists who are stranded in our country because of the COVID-19 pandemic, has set up a portal to disseminate information regarding the services that can be availed by them.

The portal is titled ‘Stranded in India’. And it is also hosted on Incredible India website also. Please visit website:


The portal will help tourists get information/details of State Tourism departments and Regional offices of Ministry of tourism to help you to stay safe and healthy while in India. 

It will also help you find information on ways of getting back to your home country. 

COVID-19 Helpline Number : +91-11-23978046 or 1075

In addition to the above helplines, the following officers are available to provide assistance for the respective geographical areas:

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  1. Raghu

    In the first 5 days of its operation, 769 foreign tourists from all over the country registered on the portal.

    Portal helped many foreigners in getting critical assistance at a crucial time. Government are committed to the cause of ensuring the comfort and well being of our foreign guests during their stay in India. That is the spirit of “Atithi Devo Bhava”, the mantra that drives Incredible India!

    1. admin

      Hi Raghu, ya thats true, 770 tourist have registered so far.
      India is doing its best to provide all critical assistance to each & every foreigner in India.
      feel free to contact Ministry of Tourism or us if need any support, write to us at:

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    […] For more information on portal for people who are stranded in India, please CLICK HERE […]

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